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Refrigerator - Set the temperature

Difficulty: Easy
Estimated time: ± 5 minutes

It is important that a refrigerator has the right temperature. Fortunately, setting the temperature of a refrigerator is very easy.

Setting the temperature of the refrigerator:
The temperature of the refrigerator should be about 4 degrees Celsius. Make sure that the temperature is not lower than 3 degrees Celsius. The temperature of your refrigerator also depends on how often the refrigerator door is opened. Therefore, keep the refrigerator door closed as much as possible.

Setting a refrigerator does not work the same for every refrigerator. Some refrigerators have a digital temperature control and others use a dial. To measure the temperature you can of course use a thermometer, especially if it is not clear which setting corresponds to which temperature.

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Where do I find the model number?
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The correct number is the type- or model number and NOT the serial number. The model number is a row of numbers and/or letters. Sometimes the model number contains a hyphen (-) or a forward slash (/).

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